Appreciation Index
One of the figures easily available is the Appreciation Index . It is a very bad figure, as explained in the wikipedia article. However, trends are visible. Here is the raw data, by episode number of the reboot run (1 = Rose, 165 = The Timeless Children): Figure 1: Appreciation Index against Episode This data is very noisy, and we can clean it up by looking at the moving five figure average, thus: Figure 2: The moving five figure average of the data from Fig. 1 This effectively despikes the data, but amplifies the event of singular bad episodes (such as Sleep No More causing a local minima in Capaldi's run). What we can see is that the first few episodes of the reboot had relatively low AI values, which climbed rapidly to be quite good as the audience share dropped a bit. This represents people who don't like Dr. Who, but watched because they were curious. The general trend from the start is a constant increase in AI until the end of David Tenn...